Sunday, February 20, 2011

day 10;

Discuss your first love.

Well, I thought I was in love for about four years of my life with Tony Rose.
I know I wasn't IN love with Tony, it was just infatuation. But for a long time he was the only person I told things to and I talked to. I really did love him, just not the love that I thought.
I've found that love now, with Lane Joseph Kirby. 
I think the real difference between Tony and Lane, is I'm actually in a relationship with Lane. We've done a lot more things than Tony and I had done. Lane listens and cares about me, he's sweet, he does things for me and he's my best friend. I trust him with everything. I love him so much! I'm so thankful for the day he knocked on my door. Haha I love you baby!



  1. I remember this infatuation!! I remember thinking that the crush would eventually end.... and then it never did! ;) But now it really has and life is better... right?? No, I know it is. ;)

  2. Lol the Tony crush lasted a little too long for my liking! It's a lot better now! I love you Elora!
