K, so my next post is supposed to be a moment of my life. So what I'm going to do is pick a random picture from my photos (mind you, there are 10000000 of them! Haha) and write about it! So here it goes!
Hahahaha oh my God. Okay, so this was in my friend Heathers room right before her, Becca and myself went clubbing. It was Neon Night at Studio 600. It's kind of a prude club, but it was fun anyway! We were having so much fun taking pictures and dancing around to music. We even made a funny video, so if you're my friend on Facebook you can go look at it lol. But anyway, this night is actually one of my favorite memories. I really miss Heather and Becca. We all grew apart. :( But that's life. Anywho, here's my post! Cause I'm super bored lol. I might just do another. :)
I love surveys! So before I go to bed, I'm going to do one haha. I found this on Jennie's page and it looked fun! It's about me and my boyfriend! Thanks Jen! :)
{1} What are your middle names?
Mine is May.
Mine is May.
Lanes is Joseph.
{2} How long have you been together?
Officially for almost ten months. But we've been seeing each other for over a year.
{3} How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Um.. Like, a month or two.
{4} Who asked who out?
Lane asked me.
{5} How old are each of you?
I'm 20 and Lane is 22.
{6} Did you go to the same school?
The same college, yes.
{7} Are you from the same home town?
Nope! I'm from Tooele and Lane is from Vegas.
{8} Who is the smartest?
We're both smart in different areas haha.
{9} Who majored in what?
I'm majoring in elementary education and Lane majored in communications.
{10} Who is the most sensitive?
Oh God, ME of course! No question.
{11} Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Tooele lol! I want to go to California, though.
{12} Who has the worst temper?
{13} How many children do you want?
I want no more than four. I don't know how many Lane wants.
{14} Who does the cooking?
Lane haha.
{15} Who is more social?
Me. :) Lane doesn't know how to use his phone or Facebook. And I'm all over that shit haha.
{16} Who is the neat freak?
Lane is more than me.
{17} Who is the most stubborn?
We're both pretty stubborn! But I think Lane is a little more than me.
{18} Who wakes up earlier?
It depends. Sometimes Lane and sometimes me.
{19} Where was your first date?
I don't remember. Maybe to Applebees one night?
{19} Where was your first date?
I don't remember. Maybe to Applebees one night?
{20} Who has the bigger family?
As in siblings? We have the same amount.
{21} Do you get flowers often?
No. :( It's okay, though.
{22} How do you spend the holidays?
We do our own thing.
{23} Who is more jealous?
{24} How long did it take to get serious?
A couple of months.
{25} Who eats more?
Ohhh it's close. Lane, though.
{26} What do you do for a living?
I'm a student for right now.. Trying to find a job.
{27} Who does the laundry?
{28} Who's better with the computer?
ME! For sure.
{29} Who drives when you are together?
Usually Lane. I make him nervous lol.
{30} What is your song?
We don't have one..
I go home tomorrow and I am really excited to see my family! But I miss Lane a lot already. I don't like being away from him for long. :( Haha I'm so pathetic. Anyway, I actually might go to bed. Good night! <3
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